
Kitchen Remodel on Your Mind?

Maybe you’ve been making it work in your kitchen lately, but you’re not quite content with the feel of it. We come across many clients who feel this way. The direction modern residential design is moving, many people are treating their kitchen as the focal point of their home. It’s commonly becoming the landing spot … Continue reading “Kitchen Remodel on Your Mind?”

Kitchen Remodel in Cherokee Gardens

This was a small kitchen remodel we did for a client in Cherokee Gardens here in Louisville, Kentucky. Many of our clients live in homes with outdated designs and are looking to give their space a facelift. As you’ll see in this first picture, our client’s kitchen was functional but by no means inviting. Their … Continue reading “Kitchen Remodel in Cherokee Gardens”

Barndominium/Pool House Remodel

Recently we have been working on upgrading an existing barn for one of our clients. The barn is located in our clients’ back yard near their pool. This first picture shows the pool-facing side of the barn before construction began. Our clients’ dream was to have this barn (which merely served as a storage shed) … Continue reading “Barndominium/Pool House Remodel”

Our 2022 “Tour of Remodeled Homes” Project

In case you missed it, here’s a look back at the home we remodeled for the 2022 Tour of Remodeled Homes in Louisville, KY. This was a full house remodel which added livable space in the existing attic and gave a major face lift to the existing kitchen, bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms, dining room, and … Continue reading “Our 2022 “Tour of Remodeled Homes” Project”